James the Astronaut

James the Astronaut
Not sure if I can go through with this...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The first day that I ever finished something I started.

This is the maiden post on my new blog. Actually, I only decided to start this blog about four hours ago. Just like this web page, I am under construction--rather, under renovation. I am nervous, and excited, and bubbling over with so many subtle and obvious and trivial and not altogether benign things to share with the world. But since I have to pick up my son from school in a half-hour, I will simply introduce myself.

My name is James, and I am halfway healthy. What I mean by this is:

I used to be morbidly unhealthy, and
I wish to be extremely health-conscious
But I am only halfway there
And I refuse to cheat

So what makes this blog any different from the countless others chronicling this path to lifestyle enlightenment or that road to bodily contentment? What difference does it make? If you are reading this post, then you voraciously plow through every piece of information and/or misinformation you can find on the subject of healthy living, just as I do. So enjoy this journey with me. Stop by often, leave a comment, link, follow, whatever suits you.

My journey begins with what I truly believe to be the greatest obstacle to being my personal best. All of my health concerns, all of my perceptions of failure, all of my excuses for not having the "time" to accomplish my goals, boil down to one uncomfortable fact:

I need to wake up earlier.

It seems so basic, doesn't it? So silly on the surface, but if you go a little deeper into my past, into patterns of success and perceptions of failure (my favorite new expression, which I will abuse profusely. I never admit to actual failure--that word is so permanent, so conclusive, so presumptuous--as if success weren't just as possible, which it absolutely is). If I slumber a little longer, I am caught in a whirlwind of daily activities and unpredictable outcomes that make it so easy to put off what I should have been doing rather than sleeping in. Late night--forget about getting anything done then. I need to GET UP!

So I found this method for waking up automatically that seems truly promising. This is going to be the first obstacle that I overcome. I don't want to rewrite the article, so check it out for yourself: 

I have planned my first practice session for this afternoon, so be sure to check back for the results. I will also be accomplishing such milestones as: breaking free of my coffee drinking habit, renovating my body composition, maintaining a regular workout schedule, and whatever else I choose to improve in order to be my best self ever. Of course, I will also be keeping up with my favorite blogs!

How I got halfway here: A Shout Out to Nutrimirror

I have not lost a miraculous amount of weight or inches--in fact, I have gained back some of the inches and weight that I lost. However, by using the tools on Nutrimirror, I did lose weight and inches (and got super  healthy). By not using the tools on Nutrimirror, I regained weight and inches (and went halfway back to my old unproductive habits). What does that mean to you? Don't ask me, just go to the web site and start using it. You will be eating right, you will not need to take vitamin supplements, and you will see big payoffs for doing whatever exercising you choose to do. It's free, so try it. Visit the Nutrimirror free online food and exercise tool that will help you gain the control you need to make the improvements you want in your lifestyle. Before you know it, you'll be half as healthy as I am. Click Here to Get Started with Nutrimirror.


  1. Awesome first post. Welcome to the blog world. Can I ride on your journey with you? I think I could learn a lot!
