James the Astronaut

James the Astronaut
Not sure if I can go through with this...

Friday, January 21, 2011

The true definition of a counterfeit non-scale victory. And a faux scale victory.

I did it! I woke up this morning as soon as my alarm went off! I turned it off, stood up, inhaled deeply, stretched, and went straight to the scale. And the gravy? I was a pound lighter! What is most invigorating about these "victories" is that they were simply handed to me. I cannot honestly claim to have "fought" for either of these so-called wins. But I'm taking my prizes and plastering them all over the Internet anyway, just like my "Miss Congeniality" awards in elementary school. When you are lazy and self-entitled to do the barest of the bare minimum in any undertaking, the rewards are few and far between. So I say, take your token trophies and run, run, run! Celebrate the easy wins just as lavishly as the real go-getters celebrate their hard-earned ones, except without the excesses of sweat and fatigue. For now, I am celebrating the following:

1. The I got up in the morning when my alarm went off after practicing for 15 minutes yesterday award.
2. The I lost a pound after 2 1/2 weeks of eating almost halfway perfectly and working out four times.

Who wants to join me? Let me know what victories just fell into your lap today, or this week, or this year. Get excited about doing nothing and making out like a bandit! It takes longer and the results are random, but when you get a little wink, shout it out to the world.

It's so much fun to be me today.

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